
Sunday School is for everyone!

Nursery is provided for newborns through 3 years of age. Our nursery staff is well-trained and ready to nurture your child while you are in Sunday School and Worship.

Sunday School Pre-K through 6th grade – The younger classes are a faithful and lively group of youngsters and teachers. Each week has specific core Christian concepts, lessons, and stories that are shared and reinforced through games, projects, crafts, plays, sharing, and reading (and listening to) the Bible. Family ministries strives to do a variety of mission and outreach projects throughout the year. All in all, Christian learning is alive at Hibben UMC for both the youngsters and the teachers. This class meets in the Chapel.

Junior High and Senior High meet together in the youth room and for special events. Each of these age levels studies topics that are geared toward living out their faith as a young person today.

Pathfinders – This is a group of Christians who gather together to study God’s word, draw closer to Him and learn how to live out our faith in this crazy world. All ages are welcome. There are singles, couples and families, giving a great mix of backgrounds. This class meets in the “fifth grade” classroom. Contact Amanda Moore at [email protected].

Faith Builders – Members are age 60 and over, who enjoy one another in Christian fellowship. We begin our class singing hymns, followed by class discussion by teacher-members using the Adult International Bible Series. Join us for singing and a journey of Christian growth. We meet in the Barton Wing.

Genesis/Revelation – This group has an age range from the forties and up. The class uses group discussion format, alternating between Biblical life application and topical, contemporary issues. The group enjoys outings together, and supports missions in the church and community. We study topics focused on growth and development in some aspect of our lives or Bible-based studies. The class is upstairs—turn right at the top of the stairs, and go to the last room on the left.

Joe Taylor – We’re the ones serving coffee in the library every Sunday! This 60 + age group has teacher- led lessons using the International Adult Bible Study Series. Newcomers are always welcome! The class meets in the library.

Seekers – Adults of all ages discuss a wide range of Christian issues. We discuss topics relating to our basic Christian beliefs, our denomination’s precepts and how we live them, concerns about our community and the world, issues regarding our families and our kids. Other activities include support for needy and social events. This class meets in the Conference Room adjacent to the church office area.

Hibben Happenings