
Children’s Ministries

Sunday Mornings

Nursery is provided for newborns through 3 years of age. Our nursery staff is well-trained and ready to nurture your child while you are in Sunday School and Worship. All volunteers and staff have passed a background check and completed Safe Sanctuary training.

Sunday School Pre-K through 5th grade – The younger classes are a faithful and lively group of youngsters and teachers. Each section has specific core Christian concepts, lessons, and stories that are shared and reinforced through games, projects, crafts, plays, sharing, and reading (and listening to) the Bible. This class meets in the Chapel each week.They also do a variety of mission and outreach projects that emphasizes others and the less fortunate.

Middle and High School meet separately from younger students for Bible Study during the Sunday School hour. They discuss topics that are geared toward living out their faith as a young person today.


The Sonshine Choir is for children 4 years old through 6th grades. The children learn various Christian music that is sung during the year for church worship services and the Christmas Musical. They also explore using bells, chimes, and other instruments. The group is led by Music Director Amy Morris and meets in the Chapel following Sunday service.


Hibben’s youth group is a vibrant group for students in 6th through 12th grade. They meet each Sunday evening for fellowship and study and have special outings throughout the year. Find out more about Hibben Youth HERE.

Family Events

Hibben holds fun family events each month. They include a New Year’s Polar Plunge, Easter egg hunt, Breakfast with Santa, pumpkin patch party, movie nights and more! Contact Children’s Ministry Director Amanda Moore for upcoming events.


God Lights Our Way is a group for 4th and 5th graders. They meet once a month for fellowship, mission work, and study. Activities vary throughout the year and include community volunteering, game nights, and in-house escape rooms. GLOW also meets with the youth group occasionally to foster relationships and ease the transition into middle and high school.

Hibben Happenings