
Giving at Hibben

Contributions from our members and attenders fund the Hibben United Methodist Church budget.  This budget includes funding for all of the ministries and programs of our church and for the operation and upkeep of our physical plant (maintenance, utilities, insurance, etc.).  A portion of your giving goes to the general church to fund programs nationally and internationally, agreed upon by General Conference delegates. We share the cost of these ministries, with each local church being responsible for contributing a fair portion or “apportionment.”

Pledging is not necessary, however, it allows the leadership of our church to plan the church budget more responsibly.  As we have a more accurate idea of the amount of income we can expect during the year, we can budget more accurately and be more responsible to our programs, staff, and creditors.  Also, pledging allows you to be more purposeful in your giving.  You can seek God’s guidance and examine your own situation to determine a realistic and God-honoring pledge.

Remember, your pledge is not a commitment set in stone. It’s your best guess of what you intend to give. If you find that your financial circumstances change in the course of a year – that’s OK – your pledge can be revised.  You may adjust your pledge amount simply by calling the church office. To commit to ongoing support of Hibben, send a completed Commitment Form (link below) to the church office.

Click HERE to fill out a commitment card in Realm.

Text to Give

Hibben now has text to give! Simply text HibbenUMC to 73256, followed by their gift amount, to give online through text.​

Give Online

You now have the ability to make a contribution online through a secure website.  Simply click the “Give Online” button below and login or set up an account.  Contributions can be made through funds transfer from your checking or savings account or by credit card. It can be a one-time donation or you can set up recurring donations.


If you would rather not make contributions online, Electronic Funds Transfer is a program that allows you to have your offering to the church taken directly from your checking or savings account and deposited into the church checking account.  All you need to do is fill out the form below, include a voided check and return both to the church office. The funds will be withdrawn from your account on the day or days that you choose.

While it is the church’s intent to use all designated gifts for the specific purposes and projects designated, the final authority for the use of all gifts to the church rests with Church Council. In exceptional circumstances where the designated purposes are no longer feasible, completed, or for other good cause, the Church Council may redirect such gifts to other appropriate ministries or projects, retaining to the extent deemed feasible, the basic original purpose of the designation.

Traditional Giving

Give the traditional way by cash or check at one of our worship services. If you give cash and would like to receive contribution credit for tax purposes, please use an offering envelope available at all Sunday Worship services. Checks should be made payable to Hibben UMC. Checks can be mailed to Hibben UMC at 690 Coleman Blvd, Mt. Pleasant SC 29464.  If your gift is for a fund other than the general operating budget, please indicate that on the offering envelope or on the memo line of your check. This will ensure that your contribution is applied to the correct account.

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