Hibben UMYF
Hibben UMYF, for 6-12th graders, exists to connect, engage and support all youth and their families in order that they foster loving community, grow in faith and serve joyfully.
Fostering Community:
Hibben UMYF Meetings
UMYF meets Sunday morning around 9:15 for Sunday school before worship. Youth group takes place Sunday evening from 5-7 p.m. during the school year. We run on a modified schedule during the summer months.
Sunday school includes faith building discussion and exploration. Youth group include dinner, games and a lesson.
Special Events:
- Game nights
- Beach Days
- Retreats
- Lock- Ins
- Attend each others youth sporting events, concerts, extra-curricular activities
Grow in Faith
- Youth Sunday services
- Participate in Worship
- Confirmation classes for grades 6-8
- Spiritual retreats
- Small group Bible studies
Serve Joyfully
- Help staff Hibben’s Pumpkin Patch
- Kairos Prison Ministry
- Charleston Youth Mission
- Salkehatchie Summer Service
- Operation Christmas Child
- Youth Work Days
Sign-Ups and News
Sign up to be a Children’s Church volunteer!
Get Connected
Get in touch to get all the information about upcoming youth events. Sign up for for the youth newsletter here.
Follow UMYF on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.