
Our History & Beliefs

About Us

Hibben United Methodist Church is located in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina across the Cooper River from historic Charleston. Hibben UMC’s program of ministry strives to meet the spiritual, physical and social needs of the many different age levels which make up our congregation. In addition to worship services, Christian Education is provided to help our congregation gain further understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Our Christian Life and Learning Center provides necessary facilities to encourage and promote Christian fellowship within and beyond our congregation and to provide outreach to the community by sponsoring and housing a variety of meaningful programs. Being located in a fast growing community, Hibben UMC is in a strategic location for vibrant ministry and outreach now and into the future.

Our History

The “Hibben Story” began with one of the denomination”s most influential members, Francis Asbury, who was sent to America by John Wesley in 1771. Asbury visited Charleston for the first time in 1785. On one of his subsequent visits, Asbury found enough interested persons to organize a “Methodist Society” in Mount Pleasant SC, probably around 1799. The members of the “Methodist Society” who later began the Mount Pleasant Church, lived in the surrounding areas of Mount Pleasant on the large plantations and came to the resort area during their periods of vacation. This would certainly establish a definite kinship with Asbury that few Churches can make claim.


What We Believe

United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith in God, the Creator, incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation and ever at work in human history and in our lives through the Holy Spirit. As the church, the Body of Christ, we share our lives in a community of grace under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We participate in God’s present reign on earth and pray in hope for its full realization on earth as in heaven.

John Wesley, the Father of Methodism, believed that the living core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason.

The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Disciples are made as we grow in faith through Faith Formation, service to the world, fellowship and worship. Disciples are also made as we reach out into the community and world for those who do not yet know our Lord Jesus Christ.

The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern for social justice. Its members have often taken forthright positions on controversial issues involving Christian principles. Early Methodists expressed their opposition to the slave trade, to smuggling, and to the cruel treatment of prisoners. For more information on the history, doctrines, policy and practices of the United Methodist Church please view the United Methodist Website.

Mission Statement

Hibben is a community of believers committed "to making disciples for Jesus Christ" and witnessing to God's grace in our lives by seeking scriptural holiness and serving all people in the name of Jesus Christ.


The service of communion begins with words spoken on Jesus' behalf inviting "all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another."
There are no conditions for church membership or completion of a class required.
More information on Communion in the United Methodist Church is available HERE.


The United Methodist Church believes baptism is an act of God, initiating us into the universal church. Therefore, the sacrament is to be received by an individual only once. The actions of a person cannot negate the baptism because God’s love is everlasting.
It’s common for infants to be baptized because the church believes God’s love and grace are present in our lives from the very beginning, even before we realize it. We believe the act of baptism is an entering into the promise made by Jesus Christ.

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