Hibben Hospitality

Winter Months
Hibben United Methodist Church is the only East Cooper church that offers a cold-weather shelter to those in need during extremely cold nights. The Christian Life and Learning Center (CLLC) is set up with cots for men with a separate sleeping area for women. Guests are offered:
- home-cooked dinners
- safe, warm place to sleep
- showers
- hot breakfasts
- transportation to and from the church from downtown pick-up locations
The decision to open the shelter is made two days in advance of possible cold weather. The shelter will be open when The Weather Channel predicts low temperatures to be below 34 degrees. On nights when the shelter is open, doors will open at approximately 7:15 p.m. Guests must leave by 7 a.m. the next morning so that Hibben may prepare for the school day. No guests will be accepted after 11 p.m. unless brought by the MPPD, other agencies, or due to special circumstances and advance arrangements have been made. Please check our social media channels for current information on transportation.
Hibben Hospitality is supported by several other area churches with dedicated volunteers as well as local businesses who generously donate food and other goods. The Shelter ministry gratefully acknowledges the Rotary Club for their continuous sponsorship which enables these services to our community members in need. If you would like to make a monetary donation please visit Hibben’s giving page.
If you are interested in finding out more, or volunteering at the shelter, please email Rev. Katie Brock [email protected]. You may also visit our Facebook Page @hibbenumc for more detailed updates and to find out when the shelter will be open.