

Many of our neighbors in South Carolina live in homes needing repair and Jesus has called us to love our neighbor (Luke 10:29-37). South Carolina United Methodist Youth need to experience Christian servant hood. “And he said to all, ‘If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’ ” (Luke 9:23)

Salkehatchie Summer Service is a pioneering servant ministry at selected sites in South Carolina involving high school and college age youth, adult community leaders and persons of different cultures in upgrading housing, motivating community cooperative efforts by helping persons to help themselves, and providing all participants with opportunities for personal growth and service.

Hibben youth and young adults have been involved with Salkehatchie Summer Service for countless years, and we hope to continue to serve our fellow South Carolinians for many years to come! For more information, contact Cathy Musselwhite at [email protected] or (843) 884-9761.


Hibben Happenings